Tuesday, March 25, 2014


We breezed into the Baja but not as easy to get out! We queued for 2 hours, then searched for fruits - our lovely Mexican oranges and pears were confiscated. Then we asked about where to hand in the FMM visa which we had to buy coming in and were told that we should have handed it in Mexico! 
Seeing as we never passed through a Mexican customs it was not easy to do. So the customs lady suggested one of us walk back into Mexico and hand them in – Jamie set off and returned saying we all had to go. So we parked up the vehicle and walked back into Mexico, handed it in, got our passports stamped and walked back through US customs – what a crazy system!
We took Jamie and Corinna back to the airport on Monday night - end of a great month, we shall miss their company, their fun and all the meals they have made for us! 
These wonderful photos are Corinna & Jamies! 

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